MicroScreen Blog | Screens

Conveyor Belts for Textile Printing Dryers: Ensuring Consistent and Efficient Drying

Conveyor Belts for Textile Printing Dryers: Ensuring Consistent and Efficient Drying

Choosing the Perfect Mesh Screen for Your Printing Project

If you're looking to achieve the best possible results for your screen printing project, choosing the right mesh screen is essential. With so many options available, it can be tough to make the right decision. That's why we've put together a comprehensive guide to help you select the perfect mesh screen for your needs. This guide will help you understand most of the essential factors to consider when choosing the right mesh screen for any project.

Mastering Mesh Tension for Consistent Screen Printing

In the world of screen printing, achieving optimal results goes beyond selecting the right mesh and ink. One crucial yet often overlooked aspect is mesh tension. Proper tension is the key to consistent, high-quality screen printing, playing a significant role in print registration, ink transfer, and overall print quality. In this blog, we will dive deep into the importance of tension, how to determine the correct tension for your screen-printing process, and best practices for maintaining it.

Colored Screen-Printing Mesh: Enhancing Visibility and Performance

While white screen-printing mesh is the most common type used in the industry, colored mesh offers a unique advantages that can enhance visibility and performance. In this blog, we'll discuss the benefits of using colored screen-printing mesh and how it can improve your screen-printing process.

The Key Ingredient to Quality Screen Printing: A Deep Dive into the Importance of Mesh

Screen printing is a versatile and popular method of transferring images onto various materials, from clothing and promotional items to ceramics and glass. As companies look to incorporate screen printing into their production lines, it is essential to understand the importance of mesh in determining the quality and durability of the final product. In this blog, we will explore the role of mesh in screen printing, how to choose the right mesh for your application, and the factors that influence its performance.

6 Things to Know About Screen-Printed Solar Cells

As renewable energy becomes increasingly prevalent, solar technology becomes more important. Over the course of the last decade, the solar industry has experienced an average annual growth rate of 33 percent. This is largely due to the use of screen-printed solar cells. While you may know that your industry relies heavily on them, you may not understand how they’re made and how the technology is advancing. Below are six things to know about screen-printed solar cells.

The Importance of Screen Tension in Screen Printing

Have you ever screen printed a job that looked great, but the shirt seemed stiff? This is often because the tension on the screen was too tight. This blog post will discuss the importance of screen tension in screen printing and how to achieve the perfect screen tension for your prints.

Standard Stretch and Glue Frames vs. Retensionable Frames

If you're trying to decide whether standard stretch and glue or retensionable frames are better for your shop, this article is for you. We will discuss the differences between these types of frames, between different types of stretch and glue frames, and how your mesh and frame choice can affect your overall print.

Benefits of High-Tension, Low-Elongation (HT/LEM) Mesh

When you think of screen printing mesh, you probably think of nylon or polyester screens. While these materials are certainly the most popular choice for screen printing, there are other options available that can provide some unique benefits. One of these is high-tension, low-elongation mesh (HT/LEM). If you're in the screen printing business and have been looking for a way to get the edge over your competitors, you may want to consider HT/LEM.

Guidelines for Processing Sensitized Screens

The market continues to see rapid changes. The companies surviving the fray are flexible and move faster than their competitors. Everyone is trying to fabricate their next best product.

How to Specify Screen Emulsions

As one of the oldest and most versatile forms of printing, emulsion screens are an integral tool for a range of manufacturing processes. Used for decades, emulsion screens provide uniformity across large areas at high resolution.

How to Specify Screens for Electronics and Adhesive Printing

The microelectronics industry is essential to the automotive, communication, medical, and test measurement industries. Each of these industries require precision screens for the printing of circuits and adhesives. Several factors affect the quality of electronic printing. Today we’ll review what you should know to make the right precision screen choice to achieve the best results for your printing application.